Heading out to dinner to celebrate 24 weeks!
My poor husband - LOL - I have been making him rearrange furniture, rip out landscaping, scrub the outside of our house and move rugs for the past few weeks. I thought I was going crazy until it dawned on me that I am nesting!
Here's what "What to Expect When You're Expecting" has to say about it:
That Nesting Instinct During Pregnancy
Reorganizing the closets, alphabetizing the spice rack, and thwarting dust-bunny breeding efforts under the bed? Welcome to a pre-labor ritual that helps get your home ready for the baby, and helps you pass the time.
Mother hamsters do it. Mama cats and dogs do it. Expectant birds do it. And, if you’re like many human moms-to-be, you’re doing it, too, these days: preparing your "nest" for your soon-to-arrive baby. Though it’s fortunately not manifested in the same behaviors (you’re more likely to recycle that pile of newspapers than shred them or reach for the feather duster rather than the feathers), the nesting instinct in humans can be as powerful as it is for our animal friends. Productive, as well — driving many human moms-to-be to sweep out the garage, pair up all the stray socks that have wandered into the Laundry Room Bermuda Triangle, defrost the frost-free refrigerator, and brighten the bathroom grout lines with a toothbrush. If the nesting instinct hits your nest as you're preparing for childbirth, make the most of it — now, before life becomes too hectic and before finding a moment to shower (and rinse thoroughly) will be challenging enough.
In other news, our baby girl is the size of an eggplant this week. An eggplant is pretty big! I'm still feeling great, although I have noticed that it is getting harder for me to do things that involve bending over.
I had a routine checkup last Thursday and everything is on track. While Andy and I were sitting in the waiting room, we were laughing because I could see my stomach moving around. When the nurse went to find her heartbeat on the doppler she couldn't find it on my right side. I told her she was jumping around over on my left side and once she moved the doppler over, she found it immediately!
Next up... the dreaded glucose test!
Eliza is as big as an eggplant this week!
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